Thursday, April 30, 2009

New trend, Snorting Smarties (rockets in Canada)

In the US kids are turning their smarties candy, or rockets here in Canada, into powder then either snorting it, or pretending to smoke it. Leave it to American's to find something twisted to do with Candy. However, what this says to me is that kids don't know what to do with themselves, and parents are too busy to care. You can watch videos of this on Youtube. Kids are doing it at school. The potential health risks are that you'll breath sugar into your lungs which will cause respiratory problems. Like bacteria growing in your lungs. 

Not only are kids snorting candy, but they are also making themselves pass out. Which isn't anything new. It used to be my brothers favourite thing to do for a while. But kids these days are figuring out how to make themselves pass out on a roller coaster! Why? It could cause serious neck injury. 

A new troubling trend I cam across today is embedding objects under your skin. It's the next step in cutting yourself. This relatively new phenomena is being seen in kids who are already into cutting themselves. They take self mutilation to the next level by embedding pins and other objects underneath their skin! Is this a disorder or a symptom? I would say a symptom. Most disorders seem to me to be symptoms of greater problems. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Is twitter for twits?

I'm trying to decide whether or not to join twitter. I want to be in the loop of what's happening, but at the same time, I could care less of what people are doing every single minute. If you can fit your life on twitter, maybe you need  more to fill your life with.