Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Racist Comments on CNN?

The recent sinkhole in Guatemala has made CNN headlines. But perhaps more interestingly enough are the offensive comments that follow it. What begins as a running joke quickly becomes offensive. The jokes started with "cramsey" making a reference to Godzilla by saying, "Again, this is the chasm that leads to Guatzilla's lair. It will be important that we evacuate central America ASAP."

Cramsey continues to make more comments prolonging his "Guatzilla" jokes again calling on all Guatemalan's to evacuate before Guatzilla awakens. At this point, others seem to join in the the harmless joke. "Dpackwood," takes the stereo typical position of the government and calls on the Guatemalans to continue life as normal and that there is no such thing as the Guatzilla. Others joke that they went to college with Guatzilla. So far, the joke seems merely immature and harmless; however this all changes when the jokes start to develop racial undertones.

One commenter named, "Guatzilla" is coxed on by "GuatzillaJr" who asks for child sacrifices with "extra guac" or guacamole. One reader who is offended by the jokes and goes by the moniker, "anticramsey" writes that they do not appreciate the jokes that make fun of his/her country. Stormy123 writes, "The sink hole was caused by a single taco stand pouring lard onto the ground day after day for 50 years. Slowly a hole formed and sucked down 50 overweight people down to an underground river of guacamole with extra cheese floating on top. If they can hang on there is a giant subterranean lake of caramel flan waiting for them... hang on, don't be scared. You can make it."

Are these comments offensive? Or just plain stupid? Should CNN be more vigilant in their monitoring of comments in order to prevent offending potential audiences? Or is this an example of freedom of speech that should be celebrated?

Down below are most of the comments to this time (1:45am Eastern time on Wednesday June 2).

  • Profet2300
    the signs is real and more signs will come, in 12 12 2012, its time for boarding procedures.
  • BMittKing
    First of all, LMAO

    Second of all, it's 12-21-12 (winter solstice, the didn't have the Gregarian calendar)
  • stormy123
    The sink hole was cause by a single taco stand pouring lard onto the ground day after day for 50 years. Slowly a hole formed and sucked down 50 overweight people down to an underground river of guacamole with extra cheese floating on top. If they can hang on there is a giant subterranean lake of car... more
  • ReggieGabr
    Pendejo...what a hole...I can't believe the picture is not a fake maaaaaaan
  • Gothzilla
    Holy gym shorts, Batman tasted great...
  • LordZedd
    ¡Ay Chihuahua!
  • decoynumber3
    A similar sinkhole opened up near Gotham city by some rich guys house about the same time Batman stop showing up.
  • cory83
    Everyone is talking about Godzilla? Think DARKER! This reminds ME of that campy (yet freaky) 80's horror film THE GATE. I bet those little 9-inch tall demons are lurking at the bottom of that thing.I can just hear a father saying to his son: "You've been baaaaaaaaaaaaddd!!" Oh wait this is in Guatem... more
  • cory83
    I decided to look up this film (It was my favorite as a teen), and I discovered the Gate is available for viewing, in it's entirety, for free on Fearnet under the title "The Gate Trailer". Please "like" this comment once you confirm I'm not making this up.
  • anticramsey
    I do not understand this.....This is not funny at all....I am so frustrated with all of these comments.....This is not a joke....
  • GuatzillaJr
    ... and extra guac!!!
  • GuatzillaJr
    How dare you deny my father's existence, he is been here since the dawn of time... Now... Bring on those children!
  • anticramsey
    What is cramsey talking about?? I live in Guatemala and I can assure you there is no Godzilla or Guatzilla....I do not appreciate him making fun of our country....
  • anticramsey
    What is cramsey talking about?? I live in Guatemala and I can assure you there is no Godzilla or Guatzilla....I do not appreciate him making fun of our country....
  • cramsey
    doubt me now? Haters gonna hate....
  • ihatecramsey
    NoOoOoO!!!!!! Not Guatzilla!!!!!!!
  • guatzilla
  • JMKS
    You know, stories/photos like this do nothing for those of us who are freaked out even just stepping on a sewer lid. This will be fodder for nightmares for me for weeks... :(
  • cramsey
    dpackwood sent you didn't he anticramsey....surely your denial of the truth will grant you the same fate. It's not too late...unlike Guatzilla I am compassionate for my fellow man. Come with me safety, Ive built a cabin in the Andes just for this occasion.
  • IaCheNeHe
    ia che knee he ah lay ia de da knee loo knee he, "I love you and except you"
  • CNCRresearch
    I am the Underminer! I am below you but nothing is beneath me.
  • CNCRresearch
    I am the Underminer! I am below you but nothing is beneath me.
  • craigsmith
    This is Israel's fault....I mean....Turkey's fault. One of them mislaunched a missile into guatemala!
  • cramsey
    NO!! Leave him.... only god can save him now.
  • sulano
    for some strange reason, if you search youtube "guatamala sink hole" you will find news coverage of this exact same sink hole from 2007. you can compare the signage on the building in these pictures with those in the imagery of the 2007 news footage to confirm. Don't know what's going on, or why, bu... more

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  • cramsey
    yeah run home dpackwood.... I hope your basement is protected from the radioactive ice lava breath that guadzilla is about to unleash on it.
  • dpackwood
    well i never. me and my miss piggy hat will be leaving. apparently, cnn is okay with allowing cramsey to post on its stories - his subscription to Canoeing Bi-Quarterly notwithstanding.
  • loveChrist
    I wonder what is at the bottom!
  • pdr31415
    The house :\
  • scrotum
    I'll bet George W. Bush had something to do with this.
  • cramsey
    dpackwood is a notorious forum troll from other reputable news sites like muppet-novelty-hats (dot) com. Please disregard his comments.
  • dpackwood
    rumors of guatzilla's existence are greatly over exaggerated.
  • cramsey
  • GadyMayen
    I feel like 2010 is going to be a great year but in terms of natural disasters ... a living hell...
  • senseicg
    He was quite the lady's man if you corrected for the excessive body hair.
  • pdr31415
    ... and finally after all the mess we've done, the Earth reveals its *ss.
  • senseicg
    I went to college with Guatzilla! He could do a keg stand like no one's business!
  • dpackwood
    cramsey is just fear mongering. do not believe him. guatzilla does not exist. please go about your daily business. again: guatzilla does not exist.
  • cramsey
    Please no sudden movements or mechanized machinary within a 10 mile radius of the chasm. It appears the beast still sleeps. We need to encourage all Guatemalans to silently get out of that area. We are looking at Cloverfield 2 here if Guatzilla is roused!
  • Beam49
    As mentioned in this article, the one in 2007 was round like this one too..also happened in Guatemala also. In doing a search I was amazed at how many round sink holes there are..all over the world in fact! Very odd indeed.
  • cramsey
    Again, this is the chasm that leads to Guatzilla's lair. It will be important that we evacuate central America ASAP.
  • humana
    I'm on a highway to hell ... ;)
  • areyoukdnme
    we need more of these so we can simply drop all our problems down there
  • cheekychops
    Like all the BP exects. :D
  • wingmann631a
    i thought that was just in the movies!
  • jmblazer
    that looks like something straight out of a michael bay film
  • IkeVictim
    It's very unlikely to be a karst limestone sink hole. Those are common in the Peten and northern Honduras, but Guatemala City is in the volcanic zone, covered in thick ash deposits. It was almost certainly caused by leaks in subterranean pipes which, in turn, probably carried off the subsoil. The al... more
  • Bender1212
    I hope you are very young wingman.
  • wingmann631a
    how do you know so much bout them? I just found out they were real when i read this...
  • wingmann631a
    how do you know so much bout them? I just found out they were real when i read this...
  • LaRoadRash
    Note to the Editor... Ms. de Moura may not be a native English speaker. It's a physical impossibility to have a 'perfectly spherical crater' as mentioned in the article. The proper term would have been circular or maybe even cylindrical.
  • italygraz
    because a Sphere is the shape of a ball. How can a hole in the ground be the same shape as a ball? Learn your shapes!
  • NettoBanko
    Why not? A sphere is just a bloated cylinder. If cylindrical is an option for a crater, then why not spherical as well?
  • GabeDavis
    Perhaps there is some archaeological benefits to be looked into.