Friday, May 1, 2009

Home Wind Turbines can leave you green... with CASH

People have yet to catch on that going green means more money in your pocket. It saves you money and reduces your overhead costs. Which means more money for you to invest or spend elsewhere. For example, wind turbines in your back yard can generate enough energy for your home to reduce your utilities bill by 50-90 percent, and it is not uncommon for those with turbines to have bills of 8-15$ for at least nine months of the year. If you're spending what my landlord is spending on utilities, then that would save you easily around 100$ per month. Furthermore, having your own independent energy source will mean you're not susceptible to fluctuating energy prices.

The costs of a wind turbine can range dramatically from less than $1k to more than $7k. The Air X residential wind turbine retails for less than a thousand dollars, cheaper than solar panels. For a full review check out the greentech gazette

If a flying rotor is not your thing, or if the neighbors complain about its appea
rance, no problem, a Canadian engineer has made a rooftop turbine, the Mag-Wind Vertical Axis Turbine that makes no noise, is highly efficient, works fine during the winter, and is visually appealing. What's really neat about this turbine is that it uses the roof as a sail to funnel stronger winds into its metallic sails. Niagara WindPower will give Canadian residents a free analysis.

Wow, sounds like an informercial. I need to turn my tv off before i fall asleep.

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