Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kings of Leon

So last year when I was a WoW zombie for a few months and creating a blood elf huntress, the Hour with George Strombo(ulopoulos) was interviewing Kings of Leon in the background. It was my first introduction to the band on the verge of exploding exposure and popularity in the 'mericas. What captivated my attention about this band of brothers (and one cousin) is their past as a family of traveling Christian musicians having come from a family of Christian occupation myself. 
Kings of Leon's Christian up-bringing sheltered them from "secular" music, except the odd rock album their dad would play when their mother wasn't around. I'm guessing they grew up on some DC Talk, Hillsongs 
perhaps, definitely the Gaithers, Newsboys (No breakfast in hell). Apparently, "crimson and
 clover" was huge turning point for the young musicians who fell in love with the guitar riffs. 

Now before this band made it big in the US they were huge in the UK. While they received celebrity status across the pond, in the US they were largely unknown and unrecognized. This changed after opening for megabands like U2, Pearl Ja
m and artist Bob Dylan. During their interview with George (which I'm downloading now to ma
ke sure my info is correct) they talk about hanging out with Bob Dylan and how he encouraged them to write great lyrics.
On the band's official web p
age, the bio talks about Caleb Followill's (the lead singer/songwriter) s

truggle to fi
nd confidence in his voice through his lyrics. He says, 

"I just hid my singing for so long because I was nervous that people would listen to my lyrics, assume I wasn't intelligent because I'm from Tennessee, and pick me apart, so that's why I sang the way I did. But going into this, I knew these melodies that we were playing were too beautiful for me to fuck it up. I had to go for it."

With resilience and perseverance, the band has made thei
r album the number one seller on iTunes and sells out concerts across the world. 
Now I wanted to imbed their Use Somebody video here, but the option was disabled by request. So here's the link instead.

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