Tuesday, February 16, 2010

John Mayer: Lovable Brat

John is a lot like my sister... both get into trouble but use their charm to get out. Here's the background of what happened... John used the N word in an interview with Playboy... then called his penis a white supremacist. The world is all upset. John apologizes in Nashville and on twitter. Now we see what is going to happen... Will he be forgiven or BANISHED like Kanye-I'm-a-let-you-finish-West for his drunken interruption of Taylor Swift?

I just went to John's Valentines day concert in TORONTO. The place was packed. This could be because no one wanted to waste their tickets. But if that was the case, then the applause and cheers wouldn't have been quite so extreme! The audience LOVED him! The feeling in the stadium was exciting and electric.

I personally went to the concert hoping that John would give me another reason to hate him. I hoped he would slip up and make another random comment so I could consolidate my dislike for him. But he was just such an amazing musician he made it very difficult not to like him (or his musical ability at least). This is why I say he's like my little sister. My sister can bug the hell out of you and be a brat sometimes (sorry Aly if you're reading this but it's true and I know you know), but she can turn on the charm and get herself out of any trouble! She hits you with her charm and leaves you wondering if someone as cute as Aly really is as devilish as you thought she was. John is the same way. He's an ass-hole for sure, but he's just so DAMN GOOD! How can we hate him when we are in love with his music? And because of that, I will say that John will make a come back (and so will West once he sobers up).

In the mean time here's a little view of an interview with the playboy interviewer who interviewed john, interviewed by, Ann powers.

Rob Tannenbaum (Play Boy interviewer) On John Mayer: Take away his use of the “N-word,” and you have a white musician commenting on the privilege of race, and warning other whites that they can’t ever presume to know racial disadvantage. Harry Allen, an accomplished black writer, described this on Twitter as a "powerful, pointed statement." How many white rock stars understand that, never mind declare it? He found a stupid way to make valuable points. If he’d just left out one forbidden word and an ill-advised reference to a white supremacist (who I don’t want to promote by naming), Mayer might be up for an NAACP Image Award. Full interview at http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/music_blog/2010/02/john-mayer.html Me: I think he's right. John was making a legitimate point but had a hard time communicating it. I can identify with that. I often have good things to say but I can't say them in ways that puts them in the best light (I unintentionally come across as condescending). I'm just dumbfounded that John was saying he was trying to "intellectualize" the "N" word. First of all, why would you? Secondly, you're doing a playboy interview john! People aren't exactly flipping through a playboy for intellectual stimulation!
Nonetheless, I went to John's concert on Valentines day. It was spectacular. John is like that kid that knows how to get out of trouble by being cute (like my sister). It's so hard to hate someone who's just such an amazing performer! My sister is good at being cute and John is good at singing and song writing. So even though you are a brat John, you're an amazingly gifted brat.

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