Thursday, March 5, 2009

Canada: Worlds Healthiest Banking System -- World Economic Forum

The TD Bank, a major landmark in the Toronto skyline, 
has moved from being the 15th largest bank in 
North America to the 5th largest in one year.

In the middle of the economic crisis, News Week hails Canada in their February 16, 2009 edition for having the best banking system in the world! (more of less). The author, Fareed Zakaria, is an award winning journalist who is the editor for the magazine, has been the managing editor of Foreign Affairs, wrote a number of books on politics, and was considered to be one of the most important people of the century by Esquire, and whose full credentials can be viewed at his The article, page 31, "Worthwhile Canadian Initiative". 

Zakaria hails Canada for being, "A country built on common sense." While the world is finding their banks begging for money from the people they have been swindling for years (tax payers), Canadian bankers have proven to be stewards and safe-keepers of the precious assets of their humble brothers and sisters. "Guess which country, alone in the industrialized world, has not faced a single bank failure, calls for bailouts or government intervention in the financial or mortgage sectors. Yup, it's Canada." This brings me hope in a time where I am feeling the crunch of the crisis as I watch my work hours date my dwindling savings account. 

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