Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Obama to Protect his Ego


Rush wants Obama to fail. This topic has been a controversial one as radio jockey's of am talk stations takes calls as to whether or not Rush has the right to say so, and whether or not he is justified in saying so. The biggest argument against Rush Limbaugh wanting the President to fail is that it is unpatriotic. Others argue that Rush is justified in wanting the President to fail simply because Rush is a Republican. After hearing a radio clip of Rush defending himself, he almost convinced me that he wasn't anti American, simply a partisan.

Rush Limbaugh defends his statement of wanting Barack Obama to fail with using a football metaphor. Doing so is really a stroke of genius.... football is the most American sport in the world, and using it to defend himself makes him look more patriotic. Nonetheless, in his metaphor, he proclaims to be a Steelers fan, and states that if the Steelers were to play another team he would hope that the quarterback of that other team would fail. As a steelers fan, he would taunt the opponents hoping that their quarterback be sacked, drop the ball, miss the snap, etc. And this, somehow, is supposed to explain his statement of wanting Barack Obama to fail.

At first thought, it seemed to make sense. But then I started asking myself, "Wait a minute, in a football game, you hope the other team fails so that your team can win... So what team is Rush Limbaugh on?" What team does he want to win? If Obama fails, who triumphs? Is it the people of America, the Republicans, or just Rush himself? If Obama fails... fails in his international policies... fails in his economic plans... and fails at being a good president, then America will have George Bush again. Not to mention, failed international policy means more deaths of young American soldiers, failed economic plans will result with fewer jobs and greater rich/poor disparity, and failing as president will result in a government that wont be able to get things done. Who does this benefit: the American people, the Republicans, or Rush?

Hoping that President Barack Obama fails will not benefit American people, they will lose their jobs, their young to war, and will see little done in their life time. Whether you are Republican or Democratic, that is not a good thing, so it is not good for American people regardless of your political standing. 

Taking a political view, if Obama failing makes the next election for the GOP easier, inheriting the problems of the previous government will be overwhelming difficult to pull Americans out of. Furthermore, will it be worth it at extreme cost of soldiers lives and American's jobs? Even if there could be a short term gain by hoping Obama to fail, the cost will be devastatingly great and the following burdens overbearing. 

So perhaps there is another reason why Rush wants the President to fail, maybe there is something in it for him. If Obama fails, then Rush will be right. He'll be right about voting McCain. Right about supporting the GOP. Right about criticizing Obama's policies. Perhaps wanting Obama to fail is nothing more than Rush Limbaugh's need to be right and to protect his ego.

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