Monday, March 23, 2009

Cat Intervention

This is animal abuse to a new extreme. Pita should get on this. They should make a call to outlaw the abuse of cat nip! 

This poor cat is definitely high on cat nip. It needs an intervention before it hits rock bottom... or the bottom step. People may find this behaviour cute, but people also found Michael Vick's dog fighting to be fun and entertaining. I don't understand how a self destructive cat falling down the stairs is considered to be cute. Other side effects of cat nip include paranoia and aggression. This is a downright habit forming drug for cats that is inhumane on 9 different levels, one for each of the cat's lives.

Remember, when temptation comes, a cat can't just say no.

Now with this second video, a metaphor on life.

I think this speaks for itself.

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