Tuesday, March 17, 2009

O'man Deals with AIG

AIG, Aint it Great, to be so big that the government feels obligated to bail you out, with 165$ billion dollars? Aint it Great that the execs of AIG will still get their bonus? Aint it Great that this is all being paid for by the taxpayers of America? Aint it Great that Obama's approval ratings are waning? 

The Situation:
AIG, American International Group, or American Idiots Group, has managed to, with the help of their executives, belly up the global company that spans through Europe, Asia, and Australia. However, Obama understanding the impact of this has decided to single handedly bail out the incompetency of AIG execs. Of that bail out, 165$ billion dollars went to bonuses, hence the outrage! Unfortunately, the red tape (aka contracts) ensures that bonuses are paid out. President Obama finds himself in a tough situation with his hands tied. I think I've even heard him call MacGyver for help on this one! As Obama's honeymoon quickly comes to an end, his ratings are dropping

Proposed Solutions:

A. Just let the execs have their bonuses and spin the situation so that Obama saves face... or not.

B. Don't pay the bonuses and let AIG battle it in court. At least fight for what's right!

C. Let AIG go bankrupt and leave the 704 million insurance policies open for other insurance companies.

D. Buy AIG. Big Government/Quasi-Socialism/Communism?

E. Distract with message of Hope! and "YES WE CAN!"

Correct Answer:

Both B and E. First of all, Obama needs to show the people that he's n
ot going to endorse the new definition of bonus as something you get because you failed your company and all of your clients. As far as I'm concerned, a bonus should still be considered an incentive that needs to be deserved, not compensation for those who bankrupt behemoth corporations. On top of defending the original meaning of bonus, President Obama should also protect tax payers money. It's understandable that AIG is begging for billions, not everyone's addictions are as simple as beer and ciggs. We have to pay for their multi million dollar estates, yachts, private club memberships, private jets, etc. Therefore, Obama needs to symbolically take a stand against the misappropriation of tax payers money. 

Secondly, Obama needs to start campaigning again. Even though he believes government can solve all the worlds problems, and has campaigned on that basis, it's just not true. Yes, America needs hope but I'm sorry to say that wont be found in government. Instead, Obama needs to take the spotlight of himself by focusing on people. He needs to talk about helping neighbours in tough times, community initiatives, and remove the idea that Obama is a hardcore left-wing liberal who is all about BIG GOVERNMENT. 

Sorry O'man, but it looks like you've got your work cut out for yourself.

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