Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kings of Leon

So last year when I was a WoW zombie for a few months and creating a blood elf huntress, the Hour with George Strombo(ulopoulos) was interviewing Kings of Leon in the background. It was my first introduction to the band on the verge of exploding exposure and popularity in the 'mericas. What captivated my attention about this band of brothers (and one cousin) is their past as a family of traveling Christian musicians having come from a family of Christian occupation myself. 
Kings of Leon's Christian up-bringing sheltered them from "secular" music, except the odd rock album their dad would play when their mother wasn't around. I'm guessing they grew up on some DC Talk, Hillsongs 
perhaps, definitely the Gaithers, Newsboys (No breakfast in hell). Apparently, "crimson and
 clover" was huge turning point for the young musicians who fell in love with the guitar riffs. 

Now before this band made it big in the US they were huge in the UK. While they received celebrity status across the pond, in the US they were largely unknown and unrecognized. This changed after opening for megabands like U2, Pearl Ja
m and artist Bob Dylan. During their interview with George (which I'm downloading now to ma
ke sure my info is correct) they talk about hanging out with Bob Dylan and how he encouraged them to write great lyrics.
On the band's official web p
age, the bio talks about Caleb Followill's (the lead singer/songwriter) s

truggle to fi
nd confidence in his voice through his lyrics. He says, 

"I just hid my singing for so long because I was nervous that people would listen to my lyrics, assume I wasn't intelligent because I'm from Tennessee, and pick me apart, so that's why I sang the way I did. But going into this, I knew these melodies that we were playing were too beautiful for me to fuck it up. I had to go for it."

With resilience and perseverance, the band has made thei
r album the number one seller on iTunes and sells out concerts across the world. 
Now I wanted to imbed their Use Somebody video here, but the option was disabled by request. So here's the link instead.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Smith and Kerns

For those men who enjoy a sweet drink, try the Smith and Kerns, or even better, it's bastard brother the Smith and Wesson. The Smith and Kerns is layered first with Kahlua, then followed by light cream, and topped off with Pepsi or Coke. The Smith and Wesson adds a shot of Vodka to the mix. Your final results is a layered popsicle looking drink with a masculine enough name as to not feel embarrassed in front of your business partners. 


I have yet to try a good negroni yet. It's elegant in appearance but harsh in the pallet. It's like being hit in the mouth with a fistful of feet. Composed of an ounce each of gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari then garnished with an orange and a splash of bitters, this pungent potion tastes horrible and invokes memories of Buckley's cough syrup commercials, "Tastes bad, works GOOD!" However, those who do enjoy the drink swear by it, so I'll just assume I haven't had one indie style yet. When ordering this retro drink, if your server looks at you sideways and needs to ask around to find out the recipe, change your order to a rum and coke. 

Home Wind Turbines can leave you green... with CASH

People have yet to catch on that going green means more money in your pocket. It saves you money and reduces your overhead costs. Which means more money for you to invest or spend elsewhere. For example, wind turbines in your back yard can generate enough energy for your home to reduce your utilities bill by 50-90 percent, and it is not uncommon for those with turbines to have bills of 8-15$ for at least nine months of the year. If you're spending what my landlord is spending on utilities, then that would save you easily around 100$ per month. Furthermore, having your own independent energy source will mean you're not susceptible to fluctuating energy prices.

The costs of a wind turbine can range dramatically from less than $1k to more than $7k. The Air X residential wind turbine retails for less than a thousand dollars, cheaper than solar panels. For a full review check out the greentech gazette

If a flying rotor is not your thing, or if the neighbors complain about its appea
rance, no problem, a Canadian engineer has made a rooftop turbine, the Mag-Wind Vertical Axis Turbine that makes no noise, is highly efficient, works fine during the winter, and is visually appealing. What's really neat about this turbine is that it uses the roof as a sail to funnel stronger winds into its metallic sails. Niagara WindPower will give Canadian residents a free analysis.

Wow, sounds like an informercial. I need to turn my tv off before i fall asleep.

Guerilla Gardeners Transforming Cities

Guerilla Gardeners are reclaiming ravished and ignored plots of land and rejuvenating and rehabilitating neglected city spots into planted paradise. What they do is find a plot of land that needs gardening, then plant whatever they want in that spot. It is technically considered vandalism since it's done on city property without permission. But the Guerilla Gardeners would prefer forgiveness over permission. Permission just takes too much time and effort.  Why? To make the world a better place. Way to go Guerilla Gardeners, you have my support, moral that is.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

New trend, Snorting Smarties (rockets in Canada)

In the US kids are turning their smarties candy, or rockets here in Canada, into powder then either snorting it, or pretending to smoke it. Leave it to American's to find something twisted to do with Candy. However, what this says to me is that kids don't know what to do with themselves, and parents are too busy to care. You can watch videos of this on Youtube. Kids are doing it at school. The potential health risks are that you'll breath sugar into your lungs which will cause respiratory problems. Like bacteria growing in your lungs. 

Not only are kids snorting candy, but they are also making themselves pass out. Which isn't anything new. It used to be my brothers favourite thing to do for a while. But kids these days are figuring out how to make themselves pass out on a roller coaster! Why? It could cause serious neck injury. 

A new troubling trend I cam across today is embedding objects under your skin. It's the next step in cutting yourself. This relatively new phenomena is being seen in kids who are already into cutting themselves. They take self mutilation to the next level by embedding pins and other objects underneath their skin! Is this a disorder or a symptom? I would say a symptom. Most disorders seem to me to be symptoms of greater problems. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Is twitter for twits?

I'm trying to decide whether or not to join twitter. I want to be in the loop of what's happening, but at the same time, I could care less of what people are doing every single minute. If you can fit your life on twitter, maybe you need  more to fill your life with.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cat Intervention

This is animal abuse to a new extreme. Pita should get on this. They should make a call to outlaw the abuse of cat nip! 

This poor cat is definitely high on cat nip. It needs an intervention before it hits rock bottom... or the bottom step. People may find this behaviour cute, but people also found Michael Vick's dog fighting to be fun and entertaining. I don't understand how a self destructive cat falling down the stairs is considered to be cute. Other side effects of cat nip include paranoia and aggression. This is a downright habit forming drug for cats that is inhumane on 9 different levels, one for each of the cat's lives.

Remember, when temptation comes, a cat can't just say no.

Now with this second video, a metaphor on life.

I think this speaks for itself.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

O'man Deals with AIG

AIG, Aint it Great, to be so big that the government feels obligated to bail you out, with 165$ billion dollars? Aint it Great that the execs of AIG will still get their bonus? Aint it Great that this is all being paid for by the taxpayers of America? Aint it Great that Obama's approval ratings are waning? 

The Situation:
AIG, American International Group, or American Idiots Group, has managed to, with the help of their executives, belly up the global company that spans through Europe, Asia, and Australia. However, Obama understanding the impact of this has decided to single handedly bail out the incompetency of AIG execs. Of that bail out, 165$ billion dollars went to bonuses, hence the outrage! Unfortunately, the red tape (aka contracts) ensures that bonuses are paid out. President Obama finds himself in a tough situation with his hands tied. I think I've even heard him call MacGyver for help on this one! As Obama's honeymoon quickly comes to an end, his ratings are dropping

Proposed Solutions:

A. Just let the execs have their bonuses and spin the situation so that Obama saves face... or not.

B. Don't pay the bonuses and let AIG battle it in court. At least fight for what's right!

C. Let AIG go bankrupt and leave the 704 million insurance policies open for other insurance companies.

D. Buy AIG. Big Government/Quasi-Socialism/Communism?

E. Distract with message of Hope! and "YES WE CAN!"

Correct Answer:

Both B and E. First of all, Obama needs to show the people that he's n
ot going to endorse the new definition of bonus as something you get because you failed your company and all of your clients. As far as I'm concerned, a bonus should still be considered an incentive that needs to be deserved, not compensation for those who bankrupt behemoth corporations. On top of defending the original meaning of bonus, President Obama should also protect tax payers money. It's understandable that AIG is begging for billions, not everyone's addictions are as simple as beer and ciggs. We have to pay for their multi million dollar estates, yachts, private club memberships, private jets, etc. Therefore, Obama needs to symbolically take a stand against the misappropriation of tax payers money. 

Secondly, Obama needs to start campaigning again. Even though he believes government can solve all the worlds problems, and has campaigned on that basis, it's just not true. Yes, America needs hope but I'm sorry to say that wont be found in government. Instead, Obama needs to take the spotlight of himself by focusing on people. He needs to talk about helping neighbours in tough times, community initiatives, and remove the idea that Obama is a hardcore left-wing liberal who is all about BIG GOVERNMENT. 

Sorry O'man, but it looks like you've got your work cut out for yourself.

Friday, March 6, 2009

To Russia with Love... a Reset Button

Hillary Clinton brought Russia a RESET/PEREGRUZKA button to symbolize a new start to foreign relations between the worlds biggest rivals. Unfortunately, the button looks a lot like a nuclear launch button depicted in movies of the Cold War era...  Nonetheless, t
he Russians smiled, shook hands, and modelled the toy for cameras. Unfortunately this fun
gimmick isn't the same as Staples "That was easy" button.

The US and Russia are going to have to deal with the issues of Georgia, missile defense systems, and the START I agreements (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty). There is nothing easy about that. Though Clinton states that there are points where the two can see eye to eye, there are other issues that the current administration is unwilling to "Paper over". It's going to take a lot of hard work and time for these two nations to resolve their problems.

Regardless, this does seem to be a step in the right direction. We have gotten over the Bush, "I will bring you back to another Cold War" tactics, to lets be civilized. And if you look at this picture, the gimmick seems to have worked! They are both actually smiling and look happy!

One small toy for China to make, one large leap in foreign relations! Way to go Hillary! Keep up the good work! We'll talk about nuclear weapons soon, but for now, lets enjoy this success.

Just ridiculous!

Crazy Video! I wonder how often this happens... Watch the 4th lane over.

I hope that guy bought a lottery ticket after that.

Barack Obama's biggest threat this year isn't the economy, it's making sure seniors can watch him on TV! Watch this to see what Obama is up against!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Canada: Worlds Healthiest Banking System -- World Economic Forum

The TD Bank, a major landmark in the Toronto skyline, 
has moved from being the 15th largest bank in 
North America to the 5th largest in one year.

In the middle of the economic crisis, News Week hails Canada in their February 16, 2009 edition for having the best banking system in the world! (more of less). The author, Fareed Zakaria, is an award winning journalist who is the editor for the magazine, has been the managing editor of Foreign Affairs, wrote a number of books on politics, and was considered to be one of the most important people of the century by Esquire, and whose full credentials can be viewed at his The article, page 31, "Worthwhile Canadian Initiative". 

Zakaria hails Canada for being, "A country built on common sense." While the world is finding their banks begging for money from the people they have been swindling for years (tax payers), Canadian bankers have proven to be stewards and safe-keepers of the precious assets of their humble brothers and sisters. "Guess which country, alone in the industrialized world, has not faced a single bank failure, calls for bailouts or government intervention in the financial or mortgage sectors. Yup, it's Canada." This brings me hope in a time where I am feeling the crunch of the crisis as I watch my work hours date my dwindling savings account. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Obama to Protect his Ego


Rush wants Obama to fail. This topic has been a controversial one as radio jockey's of am talk stations takes calls as to whether or not Rush has the right to say so, and whether or not he is justified in saying so. The biggest argument against Rush Limbaugh wanting the President to fail is that it is unpatriotic. Others argue that Rush is justified in wanting the President to fail simply because Rush is a Republican. After hearing a radio clip of Rush defending himself, he almost convinced me that he wasn't anti American, simply a partisan.

Rush Limbaugh defends his statement of wanting Barack Obama to fail with using a football metaphor. Doing so is really a stroke of genius.... football is the most American sport in the world, and using it to defend himself makes him look more patriotic. Nonetheless, in his metaphor, he proclaims to be a Steelers fan, and states that if the Steelers were to play another team he would hope that the quarterback of that other team would fail. As a steelers fan, he would taunt the opponents hoping that their quarterback be sacked, drop the ball, miss the snap, etc. And this, somehow, is supposed to explain his statement of wanting Barack Obama to fail.

At first thought, it seemed to make sense. But then I started asking myself, "Wait a minute, in a football game, you hope the other team fails so that your team can win... So what team is Rush Limbaugh on?" What team does he want to win? If Obama fails, who triumphs? Is it the people of America, the Republicans, or just Rush himself? If Obama fails... fails in his international policies... fails in his economic plans... and fails at being a good president, then America will have George Bush again. Not to mention, failed international policy means more deaths of young American soldiers, failed economic plans will result with fewer jobs and greater rich/poor disparity, and failing as president will result in a government that wont be able to get things done. Who does this benefit: the American people, the Republicans, or Rush?

Hoping that President Barack Obama fails will not benefit American people, they will lose their jobs, their young to war, and will see little done in their life time. Whether you are Republican or Democratic, that is not a good thing, so it is not good for American people regardless of your political standing. 

Taking a political view, if Obama failing makes the next election for the GOP easier, inheriting the problems of the previous government will be overwhelming difficult to pull Americans out of. Furthermore, will it be worth it at extreme cost of soldiers lives and American's jobs? Even if there could be a short term gain by hoping Obama to fail, the cost will be devastatingly great and the following burdens overbearing. 

So perhaps there is another reason why Rush wants the President to fail, maybe there is something in it for him. If Obama fails, then Rush will be right. He'll be right about voting McCain. Right about supporting the GOP. Right about criticizing Obama's policies. Perhaps wanting Obama to fail is nothing more than Rush Limbaugh's need to be right and to protect his ego.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Manhattan Megalomania

What's more indie than something that's a little retro? Hence an ode to the Manhattan. This understated drink has stood the test of time. It's a man's drink, something that was good enough for your dad, if your dad had class that is. This drink transcends white collar and blue collar dichotomies and has stood the test of time. The simple mixture of whiskey (bourbon to make it indie), sweet vermouth, a dash of bitters and garnished by a single cherry is not only great tasting and smooth to drink, but it is also a statement of who you are. Smooth and slightly smokey, a modicum of mystery, not simple yet it is straight forward. Complex: yes. Convoluted, it is not. 

This classic and masculine drink isn't for young strapping studs who would prefer shooters and beer, or slimy old sedentary drunks drinking swill. The Manhattan is a drink for gentlemen who know how to appreciate the finer things in life. The Manhattan is poetry, a metaphor for meditation; the drink shows that you appreciate and can find beauty that is clandestine and concealed: complex and complicated.  

Bloody Caesar Rebellion

Finding a good Bloody Caesar isn't so difficult in Toronto, but finding one that is more than just your typical Worcestershire, lime, salt, pepper, and celery caesar is more challenging. You'd probably be best off making one for yourself. When you find yourself in the mood for an indie caesar, try a few of the following ingredients. The possibilities are endless. 

Pickle Juice
Bacon strips (Garnish)
Cucumber/vegetable infused Gin
Jalepeno Peppers

If you find an amazing combination or if you have 
any other indie ingredients, let me know about 
them by posting a comment. 


Photo Compliments of lulife